Rental property listings


When I joined Rentler in 2013, the company had only one product – a classifieds ad product for apartments and homes available for rent. The product was provided through a partnership with, one of Utah’s largest news media outlets. Rentler was hosting the listings within online classifieds.

As a new member of the Rentler team, I was challenged to update the listings offering and build an alternative experience on that would allow users to come directly to our site. My development team and I started with rental listings, which became the first of many projects we worked on together.

The rental listings product had two components – tenant-facing and landlord-facing. I worked directly with our development team and led the marketing and user research teams, introducing the concept of rapid prototyping and implementing a user research program. This allowed us to quickly design a new listings system, including a map-based search that was not previously offered to users before I joined.

Between 2013 and 2016, rental listings remained our core product. We were able to grow by monetizing the listings, which served as a tie between other products we developed, such as applications, credit/background checks, rent payments, and property management tools.

During this period, we saw traffic from two sources: and Classifieds. Renters could start their rental search directly on or through the KSL online classifieds, which was the original way to browse Rentler before I joined. I introduced the ability for users to open their current search in Rentler, where we advertised a better map-based search experience. This led to us being able to turn over half of our visits into direct traffic to

The attached wireframes show some of my first tenant-facing pages from the rental listings product between 2013 and 2016. Having laid the foundation for Rentler’s listings product, I remain committed to continuously improving and innovating our platform to ensure it remains the go-to destination for renters and landlords alike.

Attached samples are property of Rentler.

Project Details

By updating Rentler's rental listings offering and implementing rapid prototyping and a user research program, I was able to create a better map-based search experience and help turn over half of Rentler's partner traffic into direct traffic to their site.

  • Web design
  • Information architecture
  • Usability testing