Overstock corporate PowerPoint template


I build the official PowerPoint templates for Overstock. Along with providing templates, I host PowerPoint classes with individuals. I am often brought in to do “design scrubs” of important presentations, making last-minute changes to correctly brand these keynotes before they are shared externally.

PowerPoint templates have been one of the best tool to communicate proper use of Overstock branding. Rather than typical “lorem ipsum” filler text, templates are full of rules, tips, and suggestions for using the Overstock brand.

The PowerPoint template is available on company intranet.

Distribution was a challenge in the past. Now everything is centralized on our company intranet and employees are encouraged to check back frequently for template updates.

Employees can pick from over 150 branded slides.

Our previous templates had less than 10 slides – now the template is packed with beautiful photos and a variety of typography options.

If you are ever at a conference where someone from Overstock is presenting, make sure to take a look. The presenter is likely using one of my templates.

Attached samples are property of Overstock.

Project Details

I build the official PowerPoint templates for Overstock, providing rules, tips, and suggestions for using the brand, and I even host classes and perform "design scrubs" for important presentations, ensuring they are on-brand before being shared externally, with over 150 branded slides available to employees on the company intranet.

  • Graphic design
  • Brand identity